Early Years Childcare in Dore & Totley
For Parents
Day to DayFees

Blue & Purple Classroom

3 years + (preschool)

Our Preschool space comprises of two groups, Blue Room children are 3 years to 3 and 8 months and Purple Room children are 3 and 8months until they leave us to head to school.

Children will move to the blue room at approximately 3years. Here, we continue to build on your child’s independence, self-help skills, self-confidence, and natural curiosity to experiment, explore, test ideas, and solve problems.

In addition to the learning your child chooses for themselves we provide activities which extend language and literacy, mathematical and physical skills and focus on their next steps for development.

The focus in our pre-school room is on developing strong social skills, independence, and emotional literacy to support the next phase of learning. We also strongly encourage the sharing of experiences from home to nursery and from nursery to home, to reinforce links in your child’s learning.

Some children will still require a sleep after lunch and will join Orange room when they finish eating for an afternoon nap.

When the time arrives for your child to leave us and go onto school, they will be confident, happy, and ready to take this next step.

Our Famly app will keep you up to date with feeding, sleeping and activities throughout the day.

Video Tour

View more videos on our video page

Room Pictures

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