We want children to be fully immersed into every experience here at nursery so we ask that children wear clothes suitable for getting messy. Nursery is a great way to experience play that you may not want do at home and this type of play encourages children to build resilience to new textures, sights and smells. This also helps us support children with their independence, skills such as learning to feed ourselves are vital for later in life but can be messy in the process.
Children’s clothing also needs to be appropriate for the weather. In Winter children to be warm and comfortable with waterproof coats, trousers and footwear. In Summer, loose fitting clothing is best that covers the skin but also keeps us cool as well as a sun hat.
We ask you to provide a minimum of two changes of clothing, more if toilet training. We have limited supplies of spare clothes. Please wash and return all items of clothing from nursery promptly.
Uniform is compulsory in pre-school (polo shirt and sweatshirt/cardigan) and can be ordered from reception in person or message via Famly app. Items will be charged to your account on Famly.
Please name all coats, shoes, wellies, sweatshirts, and cardigans.